
Friday, October 6, 2017

Lakeside News
- Please check our website for all our athletic events.
- If you have not picked up your cash giveaway tickets, please do so.  Last day to turn these in is October 20th at 8:00am.
- Cards for a cause information is attached.  If you need to purchase gift cards, you can buy them through Cards for a Cause and the school receives a portion of the money.
-Volleyball playoffs will start next week.  We will give you more details once we have them.
- On Monday, October 9th there will be a meeting for any students interested in being a part of the Ag Club.  This is for students in 9th-12th grade who are interested in forestry, farming, animals, wildlife or fisheries, etc.  The meeting will be held in the gym at the beginning of 6th period.
- October 12th is our Fall Festival from 5:00pm-8:00pm.  If you sign up to work a station for your child’s class, you can count that time as parent volunteer hours.  Please contact your room mom to sign up.
- October is Boxtop month!  Please send your Boxtops with your student to their homeroom class.
- Attached is a flyer about a pheasant hunt fundraiser with proceeds going to our Lakeside fishing team.
- The next dine to donate date is October 24, 2017 at El Jalisco.
- If you are a landowner and would be willing to allow deer hunters to use your land for our annual Deer Hunt fundraiser, please call the school and talk to Mrs. Sherri.  This would count towards your parent volunteer hours.