Thursday, May 3
Wednesday, May 9
Thursday, May 10
absences for family trips will not be considered for nine weeks tests and
semester exams except for extreme circumstances (refer to Absentee Policy). A
student who misses a nine weeks test or semester exam for an acceptable reason
such as personal illness, death in the family, or an emergency, must complete a
make-up test in accordance with the school’s attendance policy. Students who
are late for a nine weeks test or semester exam have only the remaining time to
complete the exam unless there are extenuating circumstances. For study
purposes and to help prepare students for nine weeks tests and semester exams,
the teacher will provide a “study guide”.
who maintain an “A” in a year-long class are eligible to exempt the semester
exam for second semester. This is determined by a student having an “A” average
(89.5 or higher) for the first semester and an “A” average (89.5 or higher)
going into the exam for the second semester. Semester classes are not included
in the exemption policy. Averages of 89.5 or higher will be rounded up in order
for the student to be exempted. The student must have an “A” average both
semesters to be exempted. Students
always have the option of taking the final exam.
students will be expected to participate in any classroom discussion and
reviews in preparation for the semester exam.