
Friday, December 8, 2017

Lakeside News
Please check our website for all our athletic events.
- Basketball season has started and we need parent volunteers to help with the concession stand.  If you are interested, please contact Stephanie Cordell at (334) 695-3875.
-Dine To Donate, Tuesday, December 12th at Zaxby’s from 6pm-8pm.
-Monday, December 11th is Polar Express for grades K-5th.  Students in these grades are allowed to wear pajamas to school.
-SGA invites you to share the blessing of Christmas with families in need living in our community.  Please bring your item to your homeroom class by Monday, December 11th.
-If you need gift cards for Christmas presents, order them through our Cards for a Cause.  Our last order for December will be Monday, December 11th.  Orders must be in by 3:00pm.
-Middle School and Upper School exams start on Thursday, December 13th.  The schedule is posted on the website under Lakeside News.  On Monday and Tuesday, December 18th & 19th, upper school students will be dismissed after their 2nd exam.  Regular school dress code applies for these days.
-If your child is missing a jacket, please have them check in the Lower school and Upper school offices.  Please check your child’s jacket to make sure they have not picked up someone else’s as well.
-Thursday, December 14th is our Choral Christmas Concert at 6:00pm in the gym.
-Last day for AR testing for lower and middle school students is Friday, December 15th.
-December 19th everyone will be dismissed at noon.
-The 4th grade is collecting items needed for the local Humane Society this Christmas. The shelter said it needs cat & dog food, cat litter, cat & dog toys, new or used blankets and towels, bleach, paper towels, garbage bags, or monetary donations. All donations need to be turned into Mrs. Emily Wilkinson's class by Dec. 15th.
-On December 29th we are dedicating the basketball court to the Shoemaker’s for their many years of service.  The dedication will be at 8:00pm before our varsity boy’s game.
- If you are a landowner and would be willing to allow deer hunters to use your land for our annual Deer Hunt fundraiser, please call the school and talk to Mrs. Sherri.  This would count towards your parent volunteer hours.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Upper School - Semester Exam Schedule

Middle School 9 Weeks Schedule

December 14

 7th grade History, Civics and Geography (project due by 3 p.m.)
 8th grade History

December 15


December 18


Pre-arranged absences for family trips will not be considered for nine weeks tests and semester exams except for extreme circumstances (refer to Absentee Policy).  A student who misses a nine weeks test or semester exam for an acceptable reason such as personal illness, death in the family, or an emergency, must complete a make-up test in accordance with the school's attendance policy.  Students who are late for a nine weeks test or semester exam have only the remaining time to complete the exam unless there are extenuating circumstances.